Friday, October 2, 2009


Not a crazy day today, just classes and then went to central for a bit, came back because Marco (Canadian guy) invited me to dinner he cooked. Pesto and chicken pasta. It was fucking good.

Not im back in my room and about to go to the theater to see district 9 again. Yay. And damn my beard itches.

Tommorow is the full moon festival, not sure what I got planned but the MTR runs all 24 hours instead of stopping at midnight, so it should be interesting.


Anonymous said...

Dude. I totally made the same dish for dinner tonight plus artichokes. I am glad you are actually having some good-for-you food!! Ooooo Full Moon festival?? awesome ^_^ tell me how it goes!

Anonymous said...

why the blog change?

1337Llama said...

I felt like it. I'm a whore for google run enterprises.