Monday, December 14, 2009


hey. I'm not quite dead. it's been extraordinarily hectic. Been studying, trying to be as active as i can before leaving hk, doing finals, got sick(both from a cold/cough, and vomitting in an alley in LKF(ironically because cold medecine and vodka don't mix), spent a week in a computer lab working on various projects (i'd get kicked out because they were closing, and I feel asleep in the middle of a group meeting right after finishing a program). After wednesday, i'm done with exams and the last week is going to be absolutely fucking jam packed balls to the walls and such. I got 9 days to do a lot of living, and a day in HK feels longer than normal (in a good way).

I'm leaving here the 27th, not sure when I get back. There is some voodoo going on with the international date line, so I think I get back before I leave? Meh.

Does Blacksburg have any dance clubs?


Anonymous said...

Oh dear God. You learned how to rave dance?? Hmmm.. dance clubs at the Burg.. wouldn't know after they closed down NERV...
I'm so glad you are aliiiive! I was starting to wonder! Man, this sounds really hectic, your past few weeks... glad you get to live the last week or so - the voodoo dateline business.. I don't know what you mean but it sounds pretty cool... =)

1337Llama said...

I go across the international date line backwards so it's time travel or magic. Hence the voodoo.

I wouldn't consider it raving, its more clubbing. Raving is like a sub part of clubbing, you don't dress up as much for a rave and the music is more straight electronic stuff. There was a place called NERV? It makes me wonder if Adam or Lilith is stored in the basement.

Anonymous said...

ah! Thanks for lesson on rave music =) ha yeah there was a place called NERV, just one year before your time at VT. It got closed down though because they we selling drinks to underages. hmmm.. I wanna say that Adam and Lilith are noooot in the basement, if they even have a basement. Actually, I think you know the place... um. they turned it into a kind of fancy restaurant behind (like at the end of the parking lot) sharky's... forgot the name... So man, when am I going to see you??

1337Llama said...

I'm getting back to VA the 27th or 28th and celebrating late christmas with my family and then moving to Blacksburg. I think. I've barely just got past finals and I'm trying to figure out my last days in Hong Kong.

I'll just say I shall see you when I see you. And I think I found something to win the weird shit contest.